With high student-loan debt and a poor job outlook, many young adults are taking the entrepreneurial route to help make ends meet. From snack delivery services to packing and moving assistance, young hustlers are taking advantage of doing for others what others are too lazy to do.

For example, one Georgetown University student's messy room in Washington, D.C., prompted him and a friend to start a dorm room cleaning service that charges a minimum of $39 for each cleaning, according to USAToday.com.

Entrepreneurial skills not only can help you pay your way through college or make ends meet until you find a higher paying job; they also could lead you to future small-business success.

If you've got the instinct to work for yourself but your business skills need fine-tuning, Myfuture, an Australian career information and exploration service, suggests:

Be a better communicator. Ask teachers and counselors for help developing and enhancing communication skills. Attend a communications course--this can be a great first step and a smart way to meet others who share your goals. Good communication skills require good listening skills. If you're hiring employees, good communication will help ensure you hire the right people and help them understand what the job involves.

Get more creative. Convergent thinking and divergent thinking are two types of creative thinking: Convergent thinking involves evaluating, analyzing, and selecting the best idea. Divergent thinking means coming up with new, diverse and complex ideas. To help amplify these skills, take on new challenges and set goals. Look for new ideas by participating in different activities: Watch a movie that's not your typical choice, listen to a different music genre, try exotic foods. Keeping a journal can help your creativity by allowing you to review your ideas, problems, and thoughts each day.

Become more resourceful. Resourceful people use their skills and knowledge to find solutions. To beef up your resources, join a professional association and online forums, and subscribe to professional publications. Most important, work in teams to use members' different skills and abilities.

We can help make your dream of owning a small business a reality. Visit Sun Federal CU Business Services today and we'll get the ball rolling.

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